EITAN is here for you with whatever you need. If there is information you are looking for and cannot find here, please contact us directly and we will do our best to help.
Jewish Websites
The most comprehensive Jewish Website
General Jewish information
Shabbat meals in your area
General Help
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
COJO-Council of Jewish Organizations (New York)
The Jewish Federation (we recommend that you look at the Federation closest to where you live)
IAC-The Israeli American Council
Job Listings
Here are jobs sites that can be used to find job based on category and location. Please be aware that there are many online Israeli-American Facebook groups that may have moment to moment job openings so make sure you check those out too.
These job listing were taken from the JCC of Washington Heights. Please be sure to check out their website for more resources available in New York City.
Jewish job listings and Jewish organizations assisting job seekers
JewishJobs.com A site dedicated to advertising nonprofit Jewish communal job postings.
Project Ezrah Job Board Job seekers can receive assistance with resumes and job search.
JewishCareers.com Not exclusively Jewish jobs.
The Job Hunt for Heimishe, a public Facebook group. Requires a Facebook account.
Jewish Jobs listed at Indeed.com, a general job search site.
Professional Career Services, a division of Agudath Israel
The Jewish Board participates in local Career Expos. Enter "Career" in the search form on that site.
General Job Search Sites
USAJOBS An official website of the US Government, connecting job seekers with federal jobs.
CAREER ONE STOP - STATE JOB BANKS Sponsored by the US Department of Labor.
mySkills myFuture A Career One Stop website sponsored by the US Department of Labor that enables you to search for jobs and job training.
HELP WANTED Groups jobs by categories, links to other sites.
MANPOWER Provides staffing services and employment opportunities worldwide.
Specialty Job Sites